February 2nd, 2025 - HAPPY FEBRUARY!!!!
LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!1!!!1! Well for anyone but me. A couple of days earlier I was sad about being bitchless and having no rizz 💔 Also I've been questioning my sexuality again?!?!? I'll save that for the gay shrine tho
I've been watching Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night because I was convincing myself to not rewatch something that I already like for once but then I started rewatching WataMote. I blame my new blog page layout for this. I love Tomoko she’s literally me fr!!! And she’s bisexual/pansexual because I said so. IK I’m being so annoying by headcanoning every character I really like to be gay and it seems like I hate straight characters WHICH I DON'T BTW. I just don't resonate with them that much I guess? For example I like the N and Uzi ship from Murder Drones. I think it’s cute but I’m not giggling and screaming over that ship like I am with the Ragatha and Pomni ship. Chat am I cooked for this or not 💔
I'm not going to school this week because of the moving to Canada thing so I've been finishing up the indie games on my puter :3 and my friend gave me a goodbye gift, a Kuromi bag and Kuromi phone stand! I love her sm <3
Yesterday I went to 7-Eleven. Oh wow what's new. I got a Ultra Violet Monster Energy yesterday that I still haven't opened, more gum and mints, ramen noodles and Welch gummies (Welch gummies are probably one of my favorite snacks ever) and a Amanda the Adventurer keychain OUT IN THE REAL WORLD!!! It was a blind bag so I got Amanda holding a saw even though I wanted Wooly smh. But Amanda’s ok too.
I’ve been having such a love-hate relationship with Firefox lately it’s been pissing me off so bad. First of all videos keep stuttering on Firefox like no matter what I try to fix it it doesn’t do shit!!!! I have to use Google to watch Youtube videos and Netflix and all that. It might be Google has beef with Firefox cause it’s a competitor browser or whatever but Firefox needs to do something man. Sometimes it is really laggy too but that’s probably just my asscheeks laptop though. But I would rather die than use Google full time again cause Google removed all the customizing with the tab bar! Like whenever I select a purple it looks so ugly compared to the other colors. Google also likes to constantly crash whenever it feels like it. And my ad blockers rarely work on Google, especially on Youtube. SHUT THE FUCK UP JOSH GOTHIEMER OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT I’M NOT GONNA VOTE FOR YOU GO AWAY!!!!!!! At least in Firefox I can make my taskbar super duper pretty because coding nerds made themes for people on the interwebs to use. The new tab page looks really ugly and you can't change it with a custom image/gif like you can on Google, but you can fix it using an extension so it’s ok. Those are the main reasons I still use Firefox.
Sorry for the lack of updating ig (I’ve only been gone for like 3 days but feels like an eternity). I’m not in the mood to code or draw anything. I've been watching Youtube all day + I’ve been very mad and pissy lately. Hastune Miku is saving me rn. All bow down to Miku!!! In another universe I hate Miku. That is a terrifying reality don’t ever let me hate Miku guys.
I should go now ummm I don't have anything interesting to say. Stay rizzy and joyful chat :3

January 19, 2025 - been very busy :)
Sorry for not updating in 2 months 😠my laptop died and I thought it was broken this entire time which was stupid on my part. But I got my laptop back!!!!
I was playing Roblox with my sisters the other day and we discovered LOCOfficial which is a rip-off of Uno. I haven't played Uno in so long and it's super fun!
I also played Dandy's World for the first time and it was kinda boring.... all you do is fill up machines and escape the corrupted ones and that's it! And I thought it'd be good with the way people were hyping it up :( the only reasons people like this game are probably the cute characters and the lore. I do want to like this game so I'll keep playing for a little bit bc maybe I'm missing out on something.
Also I wanted to animate again so I downloaded Macromedia Flash 8 by piratingggg!!! It lags Firefox badly unfortunately so I can't watch Youtube while animating. But it works! I just gotta figure out how to use it :P
Also got into Eltingville Club, Yandere Simulator, MTV Downtown, and a bunch of other stuff, but I'm mainly obsessed with Eltingville Club rn. I wish the comics were still in print because I would definitely buy them, but they're only in digital form now, so I'll read them later. Also I loveee Bill Dickey in the pilot but not in the comics, he's my husband fr fr!!!
Some stuff I did in November! I went to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving and she makes the best mac and cheese :> then afterward I and my family went to Canada! My mom is planning on moving there this year because she's worried about Trump being elected again. She wants me to get a girlfriend and be able to do well in college. So we visited Toronto (Scott Pilgrim reference)! I'm going to be the new Ramona Flowers fr 😋 My sister's bat mitzvah and birthday was also this month!
For December I got a Ragatha plush for Hannukah because it's all I really wanted. I also got 2 Kenny keychain plushes, a tiny Kuromi notebook, a Buttercup from PPG bobble head figure, and a Care Bear ramen bowl (the pattern partially got peeled off when I put it in the dishwasher tho :( )
I also ended up going to the teen LGBTQ event thing again and ended up hating it because I was an absolute loser and couldn't talk to anyone!!!! I feel like like I dont belong there for some reason, cause everyone else looks cooler and more confident than me 💔 I have like no fashion taste and I go to school with the same black leggings and sweaters everytime. I dont wanna look like some preppy girl ripoff bc I hate preppy girls with a passion!!! I wanna fit into a subculture but I dont know what kind of clothing I like :( I want to be able to have more confidence but my stupid anxiety wont let me >:(
Anyway, January so far has been ok. I've always hated going into a new year because I don't wanna grow up!!! I wanna be a silly teenager forever :( and also Project 2025 is worrying me a lot. So I'm glad that I'm moving to Canada in the summer bc then I won't have to deal with stupid Trump supporters everywhere :> The only con is my friends that I've met as school so far, because I've made a lot more friends than I've made in middle school! And also I'm supposed to match with one of my friends as Coraline and Wybie for Halloween :(
I've still haven't told 2 of my friends yet that I'm moving to Canada, but I'll have to tell them eventually. They're the 2 friends that I hang out with the most so I will have to tell them soon.
Anyway that's all I have to say for now I think! Sorry for all the spelling mistakes I've been writing this for like 2 hours bc I was procrastinating and I'm too lazy to spell check :P And also my stupid Grammarly won't let me sign in for some reason. Sayonara! (that's goodbye in Japanese :3)
November 4th, 2024 - Halloween + I FUCKING HATE SCHOOL OH MY GOD
Long time no see! I went trick or treating with my friend a couple of days ago, it was really fun and we got a bunch of candy (that I have still not eaten...). We're planning on going as Coraline and Wybie next year.
School has been school that's for sure!!!! Well I'm kinda doing bad in History, Japanese, and English because I've been slacking off and procrastinating. Literally cried today because ik I failed my Japanese and History tests bc I was too stupid to study beforehand. This is why I'm deathly afraid to look at my grades cause I always think I'm doing bad.
There's this senior on my bus that talks to the freshmen and answers their questions, and she's talking about college credits and GPAs and shit and it's been stressing me OUT as a sophmore. This is the worst time to be quiet and a frequent eavsdropper. I know she's just being nice and informative though, because the freshmen are freaking out a lot more than when I was freshmen. This makes me feel fucking old for some reason even though I'm literally not??? This is a frequent thing I think about bc now I'm starting to say "back in my day..." I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SAY THAT EVER OH MY GOD???
Back to the college thing, my mom was talking about it with me yesterday. I kinda wanna go to SVA in New York because some of my favorite artists went there at some point, but my mom was worried about the price, which is understandable. I know I said I wanted to go to Calarts a bit ago but the acception rate is REALLY low, and it's kinda far. Anyway, my mom was telling me to go into a college that was closer to home but going to a regular college seems really fucking boring...
Also I'm now not sure if I really wanna go to college anymore??? WTF would I do with my degree? Animation jobs keep putting off artists, it's very rare for other people to see your art and get you a job. Not to mention EVERYTHING ELSE that's going on in the world, it's just really scary.
Instagram comments do not help my mental health either, the amount of times I open Instagram Reels and get pissed off at the comment section is unreal. But opening the comments is second nature now, whenever I can't see the comments on a post I get annoyed. Cause like sometimes they're really funny and I wanna giggle as something goofy. I have a NEED to read comments to see what other people are thinking. And yet when I get interaction with anyone on the internet I get scared as shit. DMs scare me so bad bc now the other person expects a reply from me and then I'll feel bad for ditching them for a while. I'm yapping about a whole bunch of nothing right now anyway
I hope in another universe there's world peace and and everyone has good mental heath and all that cheesy shit. God bless America and all that what else can you say?/ref I have to remember to put that as a gif of the whenever for the 4th of July next year, pretend that you guys didn't see it on my blog first....

September 8th, 2024 - birthday + back to school :(
Sorry for not updating in August cause nothing really intersting was happening and I was mostly updating on my mini blog ^-^ But I had my 15th birthday party with 2 of my friends and it was really fun! I got gift cards so I got enough to buy a bunch of stuff I wanted. I bought a bunch of Redbubble stickers for my waterbottle and my guitar but apprently I can't have an electric guitar for guitar class at my school and I'm too afraid to add stickers to my acoustic cause it might ruin the sound. I'm not getting an electric any time soon, so maybe I'll wait until I get a job so I can save up.
My friends got me some cool stuff! One of them gave me 2 necklaces and a keychain, another got me a sketchbook and colored pencils, and another gave me a Kuromi plush, a Kuromi planner and notebook, and a sketchbook. I now have 2 sketchbooks that I don't know what to do with lmao
My stuff from Shein recently came in, and I usually wouldn't buy stuff from Shein, but my siblings convinced me. My mom was also bothering me to buy clothes and the stuff on there is really cheap. Also got more pins for my backpack + 2 K-On keychains (Mio and Yui!)+ and stickers too. Got new wired headphones (needed headphones to use after my wireless headphones die) and earrings things to keep my pins in place, since I read on Tumblr that you can use them so your pins don't fall out and loosen (which has happened to me with my Invader Zim and bi pin before).
Just ordered Converse ripoffs ($70 for the actual shoes is insane), a K-On poster, and a lamp, and I'm pretty satistfied for now ^-^. Some other stuff I wanna buy I can get later. I figured out how to get an additional Youtube channel but I'm going to get my camera in December. I love spending my money on useless stuff!!!! Yippee!!! <3
Also been watching a bunch of FNAF Youtubers lately, like Supahs and Plenty. If I had to pick a favorite animatronic it'd probably Bonnie :3
Went back to school on September 4th...I am not mentally prepared for a full week. My teachers are nice tho! But I'm not excited for History because History's my worst subject :( I got Driver's ED for gym too.
Bye bye!!! I have to get ready for school tmr :>

July 29th, 2024 - life updates
For the past 3 days my mental health has been really bad, I've been treating my family pretty cruel :( My mom confronted me about it yesterday and it made me cry because I knew she was right. Even when I say I hate my parents I never truly mean it cause they still have the energy to keep up with me <3 ily
I should really get medication for this kind of stuff but recently my mom is making sure that I take ashwagandha gummies from the store because I hate taking pills and they're a lot more easier to take. I forget to take them often now when before I would take them after school (not a good strategy because school is always stressful), but my mom says it makes me feel better so I believe her :) She's a social worker so she's met a lot of clients who have the same problems that I do.
Recently I've been watching a lot of authentic vlogs, usually where people record their daily lives or just sit at the camera and talk. I used to watch a lot of study vlogs but they are all essentially the same and just made me annoyed that I didn't have the things that they had and that they could buy new things like every video. I've been liking the Y2K video quality where the video quality is kinda bad but that's what makes it charming :D
Today I went to 7-Eleven again and got more gum and ramen,,, I love ramen even tho it's terrible for my health :P Chicken, beef, and soy sauce flavors have to be my favorites (even though I kinda dont like the taste of soy sauce itself, just really the ramen flavor). Also chewing mint gum fuels my gum addiction, the amount of gum wrappers in my room is kinda concerning...I literally don't like any other flavor of gum anymore but my sisters say it's the worst flavor :/ but idcccc
Also I got a new Garfield plush when my family when birthday shopping for my little sister a bit ago. I'm not the biggest Garfield fan but baby Garfield was so cute that I had to buy him! He has now joined my plushie army against my wall. Soon I'll run out of space when I buy some more 😠my mom doesn't like me wasting my birthday and Christmas money of plushies and stickers and such and insists that I use it to buy clothes instead, but it's my money so it's ok ^-^ my other sister spends all her money on makeup so she isn't any better lol
Alsooo I got Invader Zim decals on my wall! My walls have been barren for so long. I wanted to buy some posters instead but my mom wanted to me but a $5 poster. But NO posters on Amazon are $5...I wanted a Gorillaz and Invader Zim one but it's like $15 bucks each, so I just decided on the decals. I love Invader Zim sm so I love how it's on my wall now. I plan to get a GIR plush but why are the ones on Hot Topic so expensiveeee :( as well as the new Animiniz figures on the TADC Glitch store like why is getting all of them $120 bucks bro 💔💔💔 on top of shipping too like wtf...buying TADC merch hurts my wallet...buying the plushies were like $100 for Jax and Pomni :/ Sometimes I just consider buying ripoffs on Amazon lol. I should buy Murder Drones merch too ngl, maybe just Uzi cause I love her sm :D
I don't play a lot of games, usually I just play mobile games and Roblox cause they're free. I wanna play indie games more, I've only been watching gameplay. Sometimes random games on itch.io if it's in my browser so I don't have download them. This reminded me that I need to play more NomNomNami games, specifically the Treat series and Bad End Theater! I've been avoiding spoilers cause I really wanna play it for myself ^-^
Now that I think about it I should get a Nintendo DS because my brother can't really play video games so we don't have any in the house :( Whenever I went to one of my mom's friend's house her daughter Jasmine would let me play on her DS sometimes! She's very cool :D
Anyways I should stop yapping so much you guys are probably very bored by now :P bye byeee

July 18, 2024 - ranting but it's mostly Nirvana
I just realized that my last blog was kind of unorganized, but writing out my thoughts is never organized and I never know how to finish them properly 😠My blogs are probably going to be like that often.
Recently, I've been watching Gilmore Girls, and it's been more entertaining than I've been expecting. I was kind of put off by how many seasons there are, but I like it enough that I can sit through 7 seasons, I think.
I also used my watercolors after not using them in a while (my siblings usually ruin the colors whenever I get them, the same thing happened to my color pencils and my other art supplies). I only have 10 colors, but they were enough to doodle the Smiling Friends. I also used my new black gel pens that I recently bought (I always run out). I like gel pens the most, mostly because of how smooth and vibrant they are, and the ink shows up on the paper easier, idk :D.
I've been beginning to be in that phase where I get disinterested in something as soon as I get into something new (aka guitar because I can't give up on guitar so easily since my mom is paying for my lessons). So, I'm trying to get interested again by listening to Nirvana live songs! I feel like listening to a live song is better because I get to hear the instruments crisper and clearer than in the official music video where the music is edited, so it sounds better if that makes sense? When I first listened to Nirvana (besides Smells Like Teen Spirit, which everyone knows at this point) I listened to a live version of Drain You, which is one of my favorite Nirvana songs, and I liked it better than the officially released version for a while. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that Kurt didn't scream in the official version.
What I find cool about Nirvana is that Kurt Cobain, the lead singer, is a left-handed guitarist, and it's very hard to find left-handed guitarists that are popular and recognizable for years to come. As someone who's left-handed and wants to play guitar, he's one of my biggest inspirations!
Enough about Nirvana, last night I was watching ghcoffee play DDLC, and the only thing I knew about DDLC was from fan songs, and I realized that I've never watched someone play through the full game before. I love this game a lot. I ended up liking Monika a lot at the end.
I ended up writing a lot more than I expected because this sort of became a Nirvana rant lmao. I've been considering making a shrine, but I haven't been interested for that very long for me to make an entire shrine about it. Though I might include it in my music taste.
I wanted to finish this blog before midnight because I need a better sleep schedule since sleeping at 5 am and waking up in the afternoon is pretty annoying. I should also do Artfight revenges because it's already half the month, and I've only done one revenge 💀 (I've been lazy).

July 14th, 2024 - went to 7-Eleven, yapping
Yesterday (writing this at 1am...) I went to 7-Eleven to get some gum and a slushie <3 I love 7-Eleven slushies so much!
Also because my birthday is coming up next month, I've been thinking about what I want to get, since I'm only getting a limited amount of birthday money. I really want a digital camera maybe, mostly for taking videos and pictures cause my phone space sucks lmao. I also wanna get some more stickers but shipping gets expensive, especially on Etsy :(
I've also been thinking about Smiling Friends a lot...It's my current brainrot <3 I haven't been this obsessed with an adult show since South Park, I'm thinking of starting to watch a bit of the Simpsons! I've watch a bit of The Simpsons with my mom before (the first season) I kinda wanna watch more. It's more like for older audiences than strictly adult for me.
Also thinking for organizing this blog page a bit better, so the main page isn't too long once I write a lot more blogs. Maybe I'll change the layout later, but I like the tiny look it has now :D
I wanna be more productive this summer, but my art motivation has gone down the drain. I'm supposed to be working on Artfight attacks, but to be honest I always work on it last minute :( Doing nothing in my room for so long has caught up to me.
Recently I'm going to guitar lessons and they're really fun. I want a guitar so bad...but I've only gone to 2 lessons...
Bye for now! I have to look for more webrings to add on my front page cause they're cool ^-^

July 9th, 2024 - yapping abt art and animation
Recently (yesterday) I watched a video from Doodley talking about Canadian animation, and it made me want to talk about animation now! So here we are.
If I ever wanted to go to college, I'd want to go to an art one. CalArts interests me the most, but that's mostly because of the student films. They're always interesting and well made by students there! <3 So seeing Canada animation thrive right now is so cool to me, especially with the animation crisis going on.
Now, I'm a stinky American, so animation isn't as appreciated as it used to be over here. Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network are falling off hard due to people watching less cable. I think the only animation channel that's really doing good right now is Adult Swim (it generally accepts more creative ideas I believe). Indie animation is thriving more nowadays, especially from the Newgrounds era. Newgrounds is still around btw!
I want art and animation to never die, especially with the rise of AI and with artists losing jobs often. Art is everywhere, and it hurts me that it's now getting downgraded to being simple and boring (graphic design specifically, sorry for all my graphic design enthusiasts out there!).
Oh god this is making me sad and depressed. I should stop talking now.
June 28th, 2024 - just came back from my Florida trip!
I went to Florida recently and I just came back! It was super fun :3 though I wish we could have gone to Disney Land...
The majority of the trip was my mom meeting up with her friends + longggg car rides with my little siblings, who had to take a bathroom break like every hour.
Midway while traveling to Florida, we stopped at a really nice hotel in Georgia! While I was staying there I got the watch the new Loud House movie and the Big City Greens Movie! I haven't watched both shows in a WHILE, and I forogt how much Lincoln Loud pisses me off immensely. I'm supposed to root for him in the movie, but he's so self centered and annoying that I got real sick of him quickly. On the other hand, I kinda missed Big City Greens! They improved Cricket's and his dad's relationship in the movie, which reminded me too much of the Invader Zim movie (I would not be suprised if they took notes when writing the script). Anyway! moving on...
Later on we stayed in an air bnb with a pool for the rest of the trip! I haven't been in an air bnb since my 13th birthday, so it was nice! The majority of those days my sisters and I swimmed in the pool. We also went to the beach (before it rained) and watched Inside Out 2 (my 5 year old sister REALLY wanted to watch the Garfield movie instead though, maybe another time!)
Overall 9/10! Minus one point for the long car trip to and from Florida, was suffering...

June 26rd 2024 - watched Inside Out 2 (spoilers)
Today I watched the Inside Out 2 movie and it was pretty good! Anxiety was pissing me off the whole movie lowkey, but it was pretty accurate! Riley having a anxiety attack was so relatable to me. I also lost my shit when Fear said "I can fix her" ðŸ˜
My favorite emotions might me Envy, Fear, and Disgust tbh,,,Envy is so adorable!
And oh my god the new ships for the emotions???? Sadness and Emmbarrassment, Fear and Anxiety, Disgust and that one video game character, fanfic writers start writing!!!!!
The thing I wish that the movie did was that it wasn't the same plot as the first one: some of the emotions going back to headquarters. I wish they could have changed it up a little bit, but I understand that it's very hard for them to come up with a sequel plot! I just wish they could have brainstormed a bit more (the first movie came out in 2015! so they had plenty of time)
Overall I loved it! A pretty solid sequel tbh, and picks back up Pixar's good movie radar bc their movies in 2023 weren't very good 💀 so they're going back on track!