Site History
Site archives of my homepage! Well, sort of. There's not much here cause my site is kinda recent, and I mostly use templates to save time on making pages. Eventually I will put in the time to code something good. Just not right now. Honestly it's very obvious telling which pages I've coded myself lmao.
Click on the images for a preview!
Late 2023 - First homepage
I don't remember the exact date when I started my website cause I added a updates section a little late.
Didn't take a screenshot, but it was literally the sadgrl CSS template, changing nothing anything except the header and background image. Pretty boring I know.
It's not that the template is bad or anything. It's just it wasn't as creative as I'd wanted it to be. Wanted to switch it up cause I wanted a lot more pages and I knew they weren't going to fit into the header.
7/7/2024 - Homepage V1
I have no idea why I did not finish my new homepage before I started making pages with different html. Either my memory is so ass that I can genuinely not remember having a layout before then or that's actually what happened.
But anyway! I took a template from Windchime and edited it so there floating sections on the side. Despite that, it's still not very original.
10/30/2024 - Halloween Layout 2024
This layout is literally just orange instead of purple which is so mid but I wanted something for the spooky season ok