Brain Dump
Now Playing: Drain You by Nirvana (is this song in Brain Dump? no. does it remind me of Brain Dump aka romance? yes. also this song goes incredibly hard when I listen to it while I look at the Brain Dump gif. idk)

I've only been a hotdiggedydemon fan for a short time (2024) but I've encountered his work before (pony.mov, his Invader Zim and Cuphead animations)! It's only recently that I've been serious fan, and I've watched all of his animations from over the years! His recent show is Brain Dump, "The Clickbaitiest Show on the Internet," which is now one of my favorite internet shows!
What is Brain Dump?
Brain Dump is a show created by Max Gilardi/hotdiggedydemon, the first episode releasing on Youtube in 2016. For now, the show is in indefinite hiatus, with the last episode being published in 2022.
The show is about Max (a self insert of Max Gilardi) reviewing movies and TV shows (usually does not happen) with his TV Burnbot, while this stupid ghost named Goofball bothers him while he tries to do so.
At first I was really mad that most of the episodes are clickbait, but now I think that makes the best episodes! I got quickly bored of the movie reviewing part, even though I used to eat up that type of content (*cough* Cinema Sins *cough*). It's now my favorite show to binge watch! (Brain Dump is so underrated I need another fan to interact with me pleaseeee)

Involvement in the fandom
I made a Brain Dump animatic on TikTok, but I'm not linking it cause I hate all my videos on TikTok, go look for it yourself lmao. Also made like one piece of fanart, I kinda don't like it so I'll draw smth better idk
My favorite headcanons are:
- Max and Goofball are a gay couple (it's basically canon)
Friday Night Funkin Mods?
There's 2 Brain Dump FNF mods for Brain Dump which I think is kinda crazy??? I mean there's FNF mods for everything, but still.
One of them is called Friday Night Dumpin, which is official from Max Gilardi himself, released in 2021, and the second one is Brain Funk, made by Sibottle, released in 2023.
I've only played Brain Funk, and even though I suck (I can only play in practice mode without failing), it's pretty fun! The song is unironically a banger.

Goofball and Max sexuality question
So like, Goofball and Max's sexuality is a little confusing. Cause it's confirmed that Goofball is gay, yet in the show, he is interested in girls just for his own entertainment. He might be acting gay just to bother Max, because that's very in character for him. OR he might be bisexual/pansexual. Goofball also said he's polysexual sometimes (this is only so he can date multiple girls at once cause he's greedy). It confuses me if I think about this too hard, so I'll stick with the bisexual idea.
Now Max says he's a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN *thunder appears*, but it's confirmed that the real Max Gilardi has an interest in femboys. So realistically with that logic, Max (Brain Dump ver.) is bisexual. So Max and Goofball making out passionately is possible (not canoncally, but possible)☝️🤓.
I would cite evidence but...the fandom wiki isn't very accurate and nobody updates it (11/4/24: it is now being updated, just slowly) so I have to look through the episodes myself (too lazy). The FNF fandom wiki actually has more accurate information. Crazy.
Even with the "Goofball is acting gay just to bother Max" logic, there's some genuine scenes of Goofball caring about Max that makes me increadibly giddy and happy thinking about the concept that Goofball and Max are lovers. Max sometimes is nicer to Goofball at times too, despite him saying he hates Goofball. I get extremely fixated on fictional relationships, as you can tell. I SWEAR it makes more sense if you watch the show like Max seems like he hates Goofball but he doesn't really ok.
Also Max and Goofball are roomates. Enough said.

Goofball the Goofy Cartoon Ghost
I have an extreme love-hate relationship with Goofball. He sounds like Mickey Mouse. He looks stupid. His lying and trolling actually makes me want to loose my shit. Sometimes I wish he could die twice this bitch ass h0e is sooo annoying. But I also love him. He's so silly. And dumb.

Oh and Burnbot exists too
She's the TV that presents the images and videos presented throughout an episode, as well at generating insults at the end. Burnbot makes small roles character-wise in episodes until the episode "TOP 10 REASONS THE GRINCH IS BULLSHIT", where she leaves for a year then returns, traveling to India. Burnbot is pretty cool.

OTP Easter Egg
In the facism episode, on Max's fridge it says "GOOFBALL + CREEP OTP" with magnet letters. It took me like 3 rewatches to find that and I freaked omfg. Idk I need something else to put in this shrine
Brain Dump has a poster and some stickers as merch, and I plan on getting the stickers soon!
I wish there was a Max and Goofball plushie though. There NEEDS to be one. Max Gilardi PLEASEEEEE make one I would buy it immediately.

thsi shrine is so stupdi and unserious ohmy gof (GO WATCH BRAIN DUMP IT'S FREE ON YOUTUBE PLEASEEEEE)

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