Dandy's World

Now Playing: blank

This isn't finished yet! My art, more images, dark theme, and audio have yet to be added. Also the floating images are hosted on catbox.moe as of right now.

I got into Dandy's World in late January 2025, during the Christmas event. At first I thought this was really boring cause it's not appealing at first glance, but now I'm addicted to this game 💔

What is Dandy's World?

Dandy's World is a mascot horror Roblox game created by BlushCrunch Studio, released June 14, 2024, although it is still in it's alpha. You play as a toon of your choice, extracting machines filled with ichor in order to progress through floors, while avoiding Twisteds ready to attack.

Involvement in the fandom

Nothing yet except some fanart


In-Game Universe

The player spawns in the Gardenview Center lobby when you first load up the game. Gardenview was a museum and educational center created by Arthur Walton and Delilah Keen, opening around 1989 and being shut down June 29th, 2002 due to a lack of safety. We can assume that this incident is Toons turning into Twisted due to ichor consumption.

In current day (when the game takes place now), Gardenview Center has been abandoned and Dandy is the only remaining, unaffected toon, having his own shop. Everyone else has been affected by ichor, being Twisted.

What are Toons?

Toons are the chracters you play in the game. Currently, there are 31 playble Toons, including the event toons.

Lore-wise, Toons are created in a lab with ichor, and are about the height of a child. Each toon has a theme behind them (for example, Shrimpo is made and referenced after shrimp). Main Toons are the mascots of Gardenview, and are the only toons that have Toon Handlers, which also greet visitors to Gardenview Center. All the Main Toons are Dandy (rainbow flower), Pebble (rock dog), Astro (moon cresent), Vee (green TV), Sprout (red strawberry), and Shelly (dinosaur fossil).

What are Twisteds?

Twisteds are Toons affected by ichor, and their main goal is to attack you. All of them follow the same method of attacking except 4, Twisted Razzle and Dazzle, Rodger, Glisten, and Dandy. You are unable to fight back in game, so it's best to avoid their line of sight.


Razzle and Dazzle have a circle that you have to only walk in. If you run, RnD will be activated. You will have to wait a few seconds so they go back into their dormant form.
Rodger disguises himself as a capsule, and you'll know it is a Rodger capsule because it'll not have tape on it, unlike normal capsules. Once he is activated, he'll shoot a red laser at the player.
Glisten needs a player to watch over him because he wants attention at all times. Once the meter above his head is full or the elevator opens, he will break and chase the player. He is currently the fastest Twisted.
Connie tricks the player by hiding in a machine. To stop a Connie machine, the light will flash red and blue, and the red wheel on the machine will move. If the player isn't paying attention, you can get hit by her.
To spawn a Dandy Twisted, you have to not buy anything from his shop for a while. He goes through 3 phases, and after the 3rd phase he spawns. He can kill the player in one hit, and is immune to distractions such as the Smoke Bomb, Connie's Invisible Ability, and Bobette's Present Ability.


Favorite Toons


Favorite Toons to play as


Favorite Skins

To be added

My Actual Stats (as of date)

To be added


To be added

Favorite Images and GIFs

To be added

Thx for reading!