Smaller blogs if I don't feel like writing much or if I want to elaborate on what I want for the site (these mini blogs aren't mini anymore bro....)


Mini Blog


OH MY GODDDD I LOVE DANDY'S WORLD I LOVEEE DANDY'S WORLD *sobs adn falls on my knees* IM SOOOO HYPERFIXATED ON IT ITS NTO EVEN FUNNY. I LOVE THE NEW UPDATES YATTA IS FUN TO PLAY AND I LOVE THE UPDATED SHELLY MAP (it's my new favorite mappppp) AND THE NEW CANDIES I LOVE THEM. AND THE NEW INTERECTIONS THE LOOEY ADN SPROUT ONE HAS ME DYING INSIDE ACTUALLY/POS. AND ALSO DANDY'S WORLD WAS ON THE NEWS FOR SOME REASON SO IM CALLING TWISTED DANDY THE BOX DEMON NOW. Sorry for screaming uhhhhh Dandy's World shrine will definitely be updated once I have time or when I have the mental capacity to force myself to stop playing this game for a minute adn actually do something productive because I also made a Toon tierlist and my updated stats that I wanna show you guys and ALSOOO I HAVE TO DRAW A BUNCH OF FANART AAAAAAA I AM SO BRAINROTTED WITH THIS STUPID GAME!!11!!11!!1!!!1!!


Thinking about making a second Tumblr. Why? Because I adore Tumblr to no end. No censoring curse words because Tumblr moderation doesn't gaf. You build your feed from the ground up. No stupid image cropping or a very tiny word/image limit. Art isn't compressed so I can save art as wallpapers. TAGS WITH SPACES SO I CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING READ THEM!!!!!! Customizability (in a seperate url and not the main webstie but still). Lack of controversy for the most part and everyone is really chill. Don't have to log in to see the website (aimed at Twitter). Tons of fandoms even the obscure ones. It has everything that Instagram and Twitter could never. I made another list forever ago if you wanna read :3 But I don't even know what I would post on my other Tumblr I'm gonna be honest. I don't have any other interests besides from art really. Just starting fresh would be nice :P like a new username and a new color scheme (possibly blue)


Sorry for not updating the site in a bit, I've haven't had the motivation to code of late + I went back to school so I need to lock in and actually study for shit + I've been drawing Dandy's World fanart that I have yet to post other than But I've been playing Dandy's World for a good while and I have Vee and Astro!!!!!! Playing as Vee has made me so spoiled cause she can see all the machines on the floor and I will never go back (unless I wanna play as Glisten bc he is basically a cheaper Vee). I really want Sprout next but I'm brokeee he's like my 3rd favorite I really wanna play as him. And I also need 1 more percent of research so I can get Shelly. What else what else uhhh I got paid which is nice ($175 US dola πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…) but I wanna spend it on something I actually want instead of wasting it on 7-Eleven snacks. For example, I convinced my parents to get me a new laptop bc I have a 4gb laptop (no wonder it runs like ass) and my sister has a 8gb laptop and she can run Roblox SOOO much better it's unfair. So I have to go laptop searching again but I'll try not to be insanely picky this time. Also about the vlogging channel I might post Dandy's World videos instead of vlogging vids cause my life is too boring and I'm not that interested anymore :P my mom bought a microphone and I stole cause she wasn't really using it which is great because my laptop mic is awful. But I'll wait until I get a new laptop before I actually post something cause whenever I record something with OBS it lags horribly and the video is basically unwatchable πŸ’” I might also invest in a external computer mouse actually this time cause when I was in my Genshin Impact phase I loved using one. And ALSO I have to buy those Brain Dump stickers that I mean to buy on my birthday but I forgot. Er yeah that's it, stay sigma (I have to stop saying brainrot omfg bro)


My Dandy's World obession has ruined me because I was doing so well avoiding Dandy's World ships but then I was on Pinterest and then I started liking the Moonflower ship (Dandy and Astro) and started thinking up fanfics again, I WAS LITERALLY DAYDREAMING ALL DAY AND NOW ITS 5PM ITS SO BAD HELP. Ships never fail to make me like a franchise more πŸ’” Anyway I created a new page idea on the index which is quotes, aka stuff I think about/say on the daily, that I've stole from other Youtubers (Cyberhaptic mainly cause my addiction to his channel is strong rn) also prepare for Dandy's World shrine soon because I desperately need to get my thoughts on this franchise out there but it's gonna be a low effort shrine like my Invader Zim one cause I just wanna yap (my TADC one will be a lot prettier and will have more effort I swear I'm just too lazy to code it). But I'm thinking of adding animations when you hover over images like you see the description and also a dark mode so you can see all my favorite twisteds oooh so scary. Idk if I wanna draw art for this shrine I'm thinking. Oh RIGHT the new homepage uhhh idk when that's coming. I have new code for a different layout but everything looks the same color and font wise and that SOOO boring so idk I have to experiment on what I want it to look like, as well as the buttons cause the current ones look different on Firefox and Chrome (like the bulleted icon thingy is either inside or outside the box). Also my mom is forcing me to go back to school again so I won't be coding much which will be torturous I've haven't fixed my sleep schedule yet. I'm going to a school in my town instead of kinda far like before and this school has 2 LUNCH PERIODS I'm so cooked guys. AND I CAN'T WEAR HEADPHONES IN SCHOOL WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IN STUDY HALL. ACTUALLY STUDY???? AW HELL NAW JIGSAW 😭/ref


Hello chat! So uhh if you didn't see my index page for some reason filegarden is down due to server issues so like 99% of my files are broken!!! I meannn yeah the page is still readable but my gallery shows nothing now, as well as my shrines except my Invader Zim and I think K-On one cause all the images are hosted on imgbb instead. I'm not removing my filegarden files cause I love my homie filegarden and also I have too many files on there but it made me realize that I need to start uploading files on neocties to prevent this from happening lol. But the thing is whenever there's a file limit on something I get deathly afraid that I'm going to eat all of it up, especially cause I'm not a supporter. I should at least save the main page and about me page I guess. Also forget the Dandy's World blog but instead a Dandy's World shrine because I've recently stalked the fandom wiki I'm not normal about it anymore πŸ’” also I factory reset my laptop cause I had no space but I still have kinda sucky space (over halfway of storage space is eaten up even if you reset it) cause of STUPID WINDOWS BLOATWARE I HATE YOU WINDOWS. I don't really have anything important on my computer so it's ok. No wonder people use Macbooks instead cause when I was using my Macbook for school nothing crashed and I had so much space it was incredible. But the thing is I'm too used to the Windows layout and also I really hate on Mac how it takes an annoying amount of effort to split screen cause it constantly wants to full screen browsers when I don't want it to ANYWAYS I'll link my Roblox account on the index page so you guys can play Dandy's World with me cause my sisters suck at the game. Also Happy UNValentines Day this day fills me with hate


OK I said Dandy's World was mid but I'm addicted to it now. It's the only game I wanna play on Roblox now genuinely. My next goal is Glisten cause I love his design and also he's another one of those characters that I say are literally me but they aren't really. Also by the time I type this the Christmas event is over, but I got Rudie and Ginger so I'm pretty satisfied :) I wanna get into the lore though so maybe I'll stalk the wiki and I'll draw a bunch of fanart. This might be a bad time to join the fandom cause of the situation with Jake cause he got outed as a pdf file, as well as people being extremely toxic for no reason. So I'll be viewing the fandom from afar lmao. I'll probably will make an unhinged Dandy's World blog maybe soon idk. Also about the Canada thing uhh my mom doesn't have a visa so we couldn't cross over. This is probably a good thing cause my entire family is sick right now and I'm starting to have a sore throat. So right now absolutely I'm doing nothing because I don't have school. Also it's snowing out I loveee snow :3 idk if I will code anything I'm kinda not in the mood


WELCOME BACK MY MEOWING MILKMAIDS!!!/ref (never catch me saying that ever again bro πŸ’€) I wanted to create a blog but I gots schoolwork to do and also my blogging page is too ugly rn!!! First of all I cleaned my room for once (aka the bare minimum which was sweeping the floor). I dont have to see gum wrappers on my floor anymore!! Woohoo!!! Also I'm moving to Canada a lot earlier than expected, probably next week. I'm not worried tho I'm pretty excited! The only thing I'll miss from America is the fast food because it'll never taste the same in Canada πŸ’” I'm a very picky eater so this is detremental to me and also I'm a certified big back when it comes to fast food and snacks. Also I forgot to mention but I tried my first Monster Energy can a while ago (its on my gallery teehee)! My parents hate Monster but it was calling to me in the 7-Eleven fridge I swear. Anyway the flavor I tried was the Zero Sugar Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red! The taste reminded me a lot of lemonade + the design is adorable. All Monster cans have cool designs but that's just capitalism I can't give in!!! I had to drink it slowly cause I bought a ramen noodle cup the same day and I was afraid of throwing up cause that usually happens when I eat something then drink a caffinated drink too fast. I wanted to keep the can but then I remembered that gross bugs could come into my room so I threw it out. If there's not Monster cans in Canada and that will be the last Monster can I'll have in my life ever I think I would cry (yes I can order it from Amazon but I don't trust Amazon with delivering food). Also when I say teehee in a post I sound like Charlotte from Making Fiends ok just so you can picture it. Also also I need an external computer mouse so bad cause my mouse pad is actually asscheeks why is it caving in my laptop what. Also also also I wonder how non-native English speakers read my site. I'm sorry if you struggle badly with how much internet slang and brainrot terms I use but I will probably never stop using them the interwebs are a part of me now. Also also also also I HATE WINDOWS EMOJIS THEY'RE SO UGLY AND 3D WINDOWS PLEASE FIX THEM πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”


Hello dear readers! A new miniblog so quick??? Yes because I wanna yap more. First of all I added 2 more interests to the favorites stuff page because my stupid ass forgot all the other new stuff I got into + added a bunch more sites that were in my bookmarks at 2am so sorry about that. Also my phone screen broke for the trillionth fucking time even with a screen protector and phone case I'm going to lose it. Either I'm that terrible of taking care of a phone or phones always have ass screens. Luckily my mom said I can switch out my phone with hers, so I saved all my data in a Samsung account. Also!!! Stuff I wanna do for blogging page in a bit more detail. I wanna have longer blogs, like a typed out video essay basically, where I yap about certain topics. As well has my TADC fanfiction that is just out in public on AO3 and even though I hate it I've still haven't had the courage of deleting it out of embarrasment. You guys are VERY lucky cause I always delete my fanfics. People say that fanfic is pretty good but I have STILL not finished it and it's been over a year. Anyway I wanna hurry up and finish redoing the blogging page cause I need to yap about my unhealthy hotdiggidydemon obsession so bad cause idk if I should make it a shrine or not. But I probably will. Just not right now though cause I already have a Brain Dump shrine that's enough for now. Also I will add more images to the gallery in a minute I just gotta transfer them from my phone.


HALLO!!!! Sorry for not updating in the past 2 months cause my laptop broke, but in actuality my charger broke. So I was worried about buying a new one all this time until I went to a computer repair shop with my dad and they said that my charger was broken....and during that time all of a sudden I wanted to draw and animate and it was killing me...but I have my computer back so yay!!! I got into 2 new things (Eltingville Club and MTV Downtown) due to the Youtube algorithm, which saved me from my bordom of not being able to pirate any shows, I went to Canada for Thankgiving break because my parents are planning on moving there (longggg story) and a bunch of other stuff but I'll save it for when I make a blog :) I can't do it rn tho bc my headache is killing me AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! And also it's 8pm so it's kinda late and I'm supposed to be drawing a bunch of fanart rn!!! So I can post something on my social medias finally. Also new shitty fictional man obssesion unlocked BILL DICKEY FROM ELTINGVILLE CLUB IS GOING ON MY HEAR ME OUT CAKE (only in the pilot though I hope comic Bill dies a painful death)


Mouthwashing (game) has been getting me into a headlock (Headlock by Imogen Heap reference teehee), why cant I fixate on history instead why does it have to be a dumb indie game πŸ’” Anyway my music taste is so good rn cause I got into a band named bis yesterday and their music is so addicting I'm telling you. Also I've been discovering music on Instagram Reels so now I have more songs in my current favorites playlist. Also I wanna draw pfps for my TADC shrine, Mouthwashing and also add gifs when I finish my animations so they get put in my graphics page. I know I said the rescources page was my biggest priority but I'm thinking of making anything but the rescources page lol. I'm like collecting music for my 2000s shrine which is going to be inspired by my friend bugkisser's cringe shrine plus the TADC shrine is rotating in my head and KEEPING UP WITH UPDATING THIS WEBSITE IS SO OVERWHELMING AGHHH!!!! Cause I don't wanna fucking bore you all by updating the pages I already have cause I wanna make new ones!!!! I've also been wanting to animate so bad it's torture. Extremely jealous of 10 year old me who was making and posting animation memes on my Youtube every week despite having school. I need that talent back bro 😭 This reminded me to look at my old Youtube channel cause I miss it lowkey. Also offtopic but I'm watching THE ART OF MURDER pilot on Youtube rn AND THE LOVE LETTERS TO OTHER ANIMATED THIGNS IS MAKIGN ME TWEAK OTU I HOPE THE PILOT GETS A SHOWWWW


I keep having fictional crushes on terrible men omfg help. My recent one is Byakuya Togami from Danganropa 1 cause I have such a love-hate relationship with him. He's so a dickhead and he's such a stuck up asshole I hate him sometimes . But I can't truly despise him. It's only physical attractiveness because I love men with glasses, Byakuya would actually hate me if he'd met me lmao. This also applies to Murdoc Niccals too, like everytime I say hear me out my Spacehey friends call him a green pickle πŸ’” I know he looks like a pickle ok but he's hot sorry. I love his voice it makes me want to crumple up into a piece of paper istg. Murdoc has committed multiple crimes but idgaf ok. I'll yap about Murdoc Niccals later when I make his shrine cause my attachment to him was so random. I think Professor Venomous from O.K. K.O counts too? That was a whileeee ago when I was like 9 or 10 and I could not differentiate me liking a character or being attracted to a character. Anyway I sometimes think that I'm the only one who does this but then I remember people simp for the big back Bob Velseb from Spooky Month who is a literal murder and then I feel better. This miniblog was inspired by this Byakuya hate page cause I think it's funny.


So um, I have a dilemma right now. I keep rewatching canihavepromo/lottie's archive video by doxer on youtube and lottie's an incredibly shitty person but most of her animations and art are sooo good urggg wasted talent. It's motivated me to animate on my computer again and I rarely animate on my computer. I downloaded OpenToonz again even though I have no idea how to use it. I've watched this stupid video like 5 times. This is a phase that will go away eventually but it's so annoying. I'm so addicted to this video it's not even funny


My next goal for the site is to make my TADC shrine right? (ignoring everthing else I have to do...) But like, thinking about what I want to do for it, it might take a while, as well as a bunch of research, cause now the worst part is figuring out how to code my vision. Cause I wanna talk about my thoughts about the show, but then I want to give users the option to look about my thoughts on each character in depth. And I have to make pages for each character. I wanna let people use the banners I draw for them too. Also I have to decide if I wanna include my Ragatha shrine or just make a new page for her. Idk I'll figure it out. Also I gotta STOP USING LAYOUT TEMPLATES!!! I'm grown enough to code from scratch!!! I need to make a mockup of the page or something. Always wanted to make a mockup of my webpages it's cool looking at other people's mockups.


The gif I put on my recent blog is now in poor taste cause why did the majority of America vote for Trump just cause they didn't want a black female president I will never understand..and Project 2025 is what I'm really worried about, we did this to ourselves. This has my entire day ruined. I mainly want my site to be silly happy vibes and avoid politics so I'm not going into detail, instead I'm going to watch Danganropa gameplay! Maybe finishing writing my fanfic for once, decorate my computer, post something on my vlogging channel, because I have a long weekend! We can make it through these 4 years I promise you ^-^


The urge to rewatch a bunch of stuff rn....just got reminded of Meet the Robinsons oh my god I love that movie. I also wanna rewatch Hilda and rewatch Night of the Woods gameplay. Also wanna draw Amanda the Adventurer, Mouthwashing and Finding Frankie fanart so bad rn as well as rewrite my TADC fanfic that is a couple of months old but I don't have timeeee auuugh I hate you school


Gday chat! So I've changed my mind about the Ragatha cosplay because the costume would take forever to ship, so I'm being Princess Peach instead! I'm going to blow dry my hair but it's going to be hot as fuck outside this Halloween for some reason so it will probably not last :( but anyway! My K-On poster came a few days after my last miniblog lmfao, I still gotta hang it up but I don't have any command strips. Also wanna hang up my artwork from 7th grade and 8th grade but I'm so scared of ripping it with tape :/ agghhh but they've been staying in my box for the longest time so I might just suck it up and hang it up anyway. I hate the thought of spooky month being over grrr I feel like I wasted it. Last year I went on an episode and movie watching spree but I've been kinda busy this month. At least I got to rewatch the Invader Zim Halloween episode and Spooky Month episodes though! I gotta rewatch the Unikitty and Brain Dump Halloween episodes which shouldn't take too long bc they're pretty short. Also about the digital camera thing...I'm not getting paid until the end of I might as well only record on my computer for now. Kind of a shame since I wanted to post smth before Halloween but it isn't the end of the world ^-^ Also I've been in a website update spree this month woohoo!


I hate being fixated on two things at once bro I can't have a TADC and Lucky Star pfp at the same time...Anyway! I've been decorating my desktop to look cuter and also changed my wallpaper to Konata since I've had a Kuromi wallpaper for a couple of months (maybe a year?) now and I've gotten sick of it. Also I should add shimeji on my computer again cause I realized that I am incabable of doing schoolwork on my home computer because I get distracted, so I might as well make it personalized! Used to have Mae from Night in the Woods walk around my computer ^-^ Also I added shortcuts to games that I've downloaded so I get reminded to play them lol. I need to clean out my desktop files too ngl. The main goal rn it to save up for a digital camera so I can post something on my vlogging Youtube channel (I'm working as a madricha at my synagoue for $10/hour (roughly $20 each Sunday) so I finally have a job yippee!!!). For Hannukah I want MLAATR Miku figure from Youtooz + a Ragatha plush (that's like $50 if I include shipping augghhh) + the Brain Dump stickers I didn"t get to buy before! Me and my sisters usually get $100 but for me that's never enough becasue I spend my money on the most expensive shit lmao. Also my K-On poster that I ordered from Amazon a while back has still not's continuously getting lost in transit wtf...IT'S NOT EVEN THAT FAR FROM MY TOWN RN BITCH HURRY UP


My acoustic guitar just came! ^-^ Though I practiced too much yesterday and got calluses and my fingers started hurting lol. Also when to a pride event yesterday for teenagers! Was pretty scary and I barely talked to anyone but it was fun! You can draw and play board games and sing and pick a song to play. Also the adults there were really nice :D Will definitely come back to the Halloween event. Also I'm thinking of being Ragatha for Halloween cause it's my only excuse to cosplay lmao. Been wanting to cosplay for the longest time but I don't have the courage to do it when I feel like it. Maybe when I get my own house I can cosplay in private lol. Also yesterday I touched grass!!!! (no fucking way). I went outside with my sisters but my bike is broken so me and my sister took turns on our electric scooter. It was so hot it didn't feel like fall was coming soon except that there were some orange leaves on the ground. Also I found a shortcut to the mall close to my house?!?!?! Anyways it was super fun, I wish we did this during the summer tbh


Just rewatched some Brain Dump episodes, now I'm thinking about it again. I just realized that I have a lot more to say about Brain Dump that I thought so I might update the page some more ^-^ hopefully it won't be as terribly long as my Invader Zim shrine. Also I found a easter egg in the fascism episode on the fridge that I did not see until just now 😭 I wish there were more Brain Dump content that I could consume...I guess I could scrounge AO3 for Brain Dump fanfics if I search hard enough πŸ’€ Also I really need to buy the stickers cause I forgot to do that with my birthday money lol


The urge to make a Master Frown shrine...making a plush and graphics collection seems really fucking boring rn. But I'm trying to draw a site button finally. I've been waiting until I make a good name for my site first but I can always change that later. How to people add images to their buttons and it doesn't look terribly compressed??? Do I have the make the size bigger first??? Been thinking of making one with Stocking from PASWG cause she's one of my favorite characters eva :>


Why are my mini blogs getting longer and longer guys I swear this wasn't the plan...I just don't wanna use paragraphs with miniblogs. Anyway my mom is getting me a electric guitar after begging her for the longest time. BUT WHY DO LEFT HANDED ELECTRIC GUITARS HAVE THE UGLIEST COLORS. I wanted a cute purple one or just a pastel color but they're all sold out for left handed, so now there's an ugly dark blue and red and a sunburst color and classic black. I looked elsewhere but they were either too expensive or didn't come in a kit. My mom doesn't wanna spend so much for a guitar lol. Painting it is expensive and putting on vinyl will make it look ugly cause of the edges so I might as well suck it up and get a plain black one and put stickers on it. Now I just realized I complain way too much πŸ’€ I'm excited to get a guitar I swear I'm just extremely picky when buying stuff. Also I'm getting back into my Gorillaz phase rn omg I love Gorillaz!!! <33333


I really wanted to make a second youtube channel to like vlog and shit but I gotta verify my account with a phone number. But I got a free phone number from TextNow cause my parent didn't feel like paying for phone bills or whatever. Anyway, that wouldn't be a problem except that I have to pay extra to get 2 factor vertification codes. AND IT'S A WEEKY SUBSCRIPTION. I'm broke as fuck why would you do this to me. And you have to buy credits to get the cheaper option and oh my god I'm not doing all that. This kinda reminds me of the time where I used up all my remaining birthday money on Candy Crush....not my proudest moment omfg don't trust me with money. Anyway, I finally decided to watch Lucky Star. I'm in the middle of a bunch of different animes rn and hop to a new one once I'm bored which makes it hard for me to finish things cause then I stop paying attention (average ipad kid attention span). Yet I can still through 1 hour videos for some reason. Idk what I was expecting with Lucky Star but it's basically a very long podcast and the main characters do other stuff sometimes but that's mainly it. They'll talk about the most random shit like the first episode was just them talking about how to eat their food. I don't hate it though! Lucky Channel near the end of the episode is my favorite part cause of the random personality switch up with Akira. I've only watched like 3 episodes so far so maybe it gets good. Also played Berrywitched on by Smilestrawbunny! It was really fun to play since I haven't played a new game in a while. Going to play the sequel in a bit.


When I was watching TV yesterday I discovered Strawberry Panic! on Tubi. And besides remembering how I hate ads, Strawberry Panic is now another yuri anime I can invest in. This show has nothing to do with strawberries though except that the school name is Strawberry Hall or sum 0/10 misleading title the main characters should frolic and eat strawberries in a field or sum. Also I've been impulsively looking for bday gifts for myself, buying things on Etsy is a nightmare why is shipping so expensive. Also wanna buy a K-On figure but I'm broke asf so I'm getting a poster instead. Need new shoes so I'm getting Converse ripoffs too + maybe the FLCL Omnibus cause I need to get back into the habit of reading more. Also planning on watching Lain and Evangeleon and maybe Madoka before summer ends. I need to do summer homework too ughhhhh I hate school


Bc I'm working on adding new pages to this website I do want to fix the CSS in some places. I also want to make the front page more organized so I have to change the layout, but that won't be until a long time so the current layout is fine for now. I also wanna decorate more cause the current pages are a bit boring and simple, and I want them to be prettier! Mainly the abt me and art page which I find quite boring. The main thing is to finish setting up all the secondary pages so I can do the dirty work and make them appealing. I want this website to look good to me personally, but it will take a bit until I'm satisfied completely! :>
