This website is messy because I'm adding pages slowly and I might forget stuff, enjoy your stay in the meantime though!
This website doesn't look good on mobile :( Made for desktop only
Made for Opera at 100%! Should work for Google Chrome too, but I'm in the middle of the process of moving to Firefox. Otherwise floating images will look out of place if it's bigger or smaller than 100% (bc I'm stupid and I don't know how to code floating images yet)
Most of the site uses imgbb to host images, which will sometimes not work just for shits and giggles 😭 hard reload the site and just wait it out(will take a min for me to replace all of them)
There's some usasge of cursing on pages, this site is pg-13 but I'm not your mom if you don't care
Almost every page will autoplay music from Soundcloud!!! Turn down your volume lmao. Scroll all the way to the bottom if you wanna pause it. This is until I'll put audio players on every page of the website laterrr I'm lazy. Or mute the tab if you hate my music taste so much...*sniff*
The audio players will loop endlessly idk how to fix it
Also this site is very gay #veryscawy (homophobes not allowed)